About me
About the author: Azarov Anatoly Ivanovich was born 28.08.1937г. Has ended in 1960 г machine-building faculty of the Nikolaev shipbuilding institute. At the St.-Petersburg state polytechnical university - vortical technics managing by Author's research laboratory since 1983 the Deserved inventor of the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic (1967), the Cand.Tech.Sci. (1974), a member-correspondent of Engineering Academy of SPb (1996), the full member of the Russian academy of natural sciences (2000).
The author more than 300 scientific works, including 160 inventions in the field of industrial use of vortical effect, refrigerating, power and transport mechanical engineering. The developer of tens projects and the inventions which have been successfully carried out in many industries. The products designed by Azarov, some decades are in a batch production and are used more than on 1000 enterprises in the country and abroad.
In December, 1990 will put forward to assignment of an honorary title of the deserved inventor of the USSR for merits in mechanical engineering and invention. For high scientific achievements and the big contribution to development of Russia it is awarded V.A.Vernadskogo's by honourable medal on the basis of the Decision of Presidium of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (2004). For merits before domestic astronautics Federation of astronautics of Russia it is awarded by a medal of J.A.Gagarin (April 2007) and for merits in the field of high technologies - a medal of "50 years of a space age» (October 2007).