Examples of application of vortical pipes
Let's consider examples of use industrial VP in different technologies and on different cooled objects.
It VP from which diversified industrial "expansion" of vortical effect started in the USSR more three decades ago, - the multi-purpose air coolers applied in thousand of the enterprises (Introduction see). It as well the newest modular VP which scale manufacture in Russia should be developed for the internal and external markets.
Examples are conditionally distributed in two groups. In examples of the first group (section 3.1.) application VP is approved for a long time and the saved up experience allows manufacturers VP to be guided confidently by the specified branches and on factories-users. In the second group of applications (section 3.2.) advantages ВТ are unevident, predicted requirements of users for the first years are insignificant, advancement VP in these branches and technologies will demand the technical and economic analysis and check by time.
In chapter 3 the small amount of the examples showing variety of possibilities VP is presented only. Where it is possible preference at a choice of examples, was given to the very first applications - what distances an impulse to branches to expanded use VP.
Advancement VP in the industry became more intensively in second half 1980. Then to author's laboratory of vortical technics at the Leningrad polytechnical institute regularly arrived from the enterprises - without the invitation, without notice - monthly to several tens the experts interested in use VP. From potential manufacturers to LPI and Author's laboratory of vortical technics tens inquiries about working drawings of the newest VP arrived.
To promote "expansion" VP, it were given to visitors-applicants: the necessary information, drawings multi-purpose VP, descriptions, maintenance instructions, approximate feasibility reports, and in some cases - and pre-production models VP.