
How the vortical pipe works? What occurs in a vortical pipe to a turbulent stream of the compressed environment? Who studied process vortical energy divisions? What problems face to experimenters and theorists today?

Answers to these questions are given in applied fragments from the book «Vortical pipes in the Industry». With reductions first three sections of Chapter 1 «From an experimental tube to an industrial output» are resulted:

1.1. Object of research - a vortical pipe. From experiment to theory bases. Turbulence generation, диссипация energy, vortical effect. Features of an acoustic spectrum.

1.2. Heat power characteristics, the sizes
Flowing part VP.
Cold productivity. Factors of temperature and power efficiency. "Dimensionless" effect of cooling. Refrigerating factor. Ex-Ergetichesky cold productivity and exergetical efficiency. Critical section nozzle input. Parities of the sizes of a flowing part and temperature efficiency adiabatic ВТ.

1.3. Generalised characteristic VP. Comparison of generators of a cold on set of technological and operational properties. Energy savings.


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