The announcement of my book «Vortical pipes in the industry», prepared for printing in 2009 is more low resulted.
From the author
The tornado arises spontaneously, moves is unpredictable... How the minimum "operating" influence to initiate tornado occurrence? How its destructive power to keep in the set zone and without blades, without turbines - «nomachines» in the way to transform to the popular electric power? These questions interest not only energy man. Our first vortical engines with surprising properties are already applied (section 6.4.), and various industrial энергоустановки with vortical streams are in different stages of working off (the Appendix 3b). In "refrigerating" appendices of whirlwinds industrial results are more appreciable, масштабнее: about it the book, brought to your attention.
In it it is told about perfection of vortical pipes (VP) and their application in mechanical engineering, the food, electronic, furniture industry, on transport and in other areas. Original technical decisions, schemes, designs are shown: serially made multi-purpose VP from polymeric materials or from metal, single-chamber and tiny multichamber with the built in means of an intensification of process vortical Energy Division in the chamber.
This book - the report of the developer on the inventions introduced in many branches, on for the first time created kinds of the industrial output applied of some decades on thousand of the enterprises in the country and abroad (ч.1). And also about the products, which else it is necessary to master in a batch production (section 2.6.) and about inventions which will serve as "decisions-prototypes" to inventors and designers in their creative work (chapter 2). Cooperation of the inventor with manufacturer is always directed on achievement of a concrete end result - on development in manufacture of the newest competitive production and its successful advancement to application. This book for those who is guided by such result, masters high technology production for internal and a foreign market, participates in manufacture modernisation.
ВТ for the first time are presented here as developing production of diversified application (chapter 2, 3). Ways of its perfection are shown taking into account a predicted long-term rise in prices for power resources.
In use of vortical effect it is created unique scientifically-izobretatelsky and a technological reserve. Some generations industrial VP have passed the big way (section 2.2 … 2.6.) from elementary metal "tubes" from two details to the plastic "modular" multi-purpose air coolers containing from 2 to 20 vortical chambers, co-operating with each other. We will consider the main stages of long-term innovative process in which VP - "dot" sources of a cold - have proved to be as accessible trouble-free means energysavings in extreme conditions of use.
This book - for the readers who have already mastered the modern encyclopaedia of vortical effect; but also and for those who while only "heard" something about spontaneous temperature division in a turbulent air whirlwind and believes, that VP (as half a century ago) still remains only «laboratory miracle» with not clear theory and uncertain application. You will see as "is plastic" VP in hands of the developer of new production as in the course of experimental researches the list of its possibilities and properties consistently extends. The advantages presented here first-ever "modular" VP, I hope, will initiate development of this newest kind of export production. The book shows points of growth of a scientific and technical direction (chapter 2 and 3), gives an impulse to works and new inventions in the refrigerating technics and in adjacent areas (chapter 2).
Inventors will interest not having mobile parts Thermo&Diffusion Micro Air Blow for mikro-VP (chapter 4), applied by us on quarter of the century earlier, than such researches have appeared abroad; intended for basic researches VP with ultrahigh frequency of rotation of a vortical stream - to one million turns a second and more (chapter 5); sources of powerful acoustic radiation for an intensification of processes in chemical technologies (chapter 6); VP in structure Steam&Compression or Absorption&Diffusion a refrigerator and VP, the receptions of a cold built in system at dynamic evaporation of fuel in a high-speed air stream (chapter 5); and Other
Fragments from the book «Vortical pipes in the industry»:
- From the author (doc)
- From introduction: so industrial expansion multi-purpose ВТ Azarov began.
- Sections 2.1, 2.5, 2.6 (word) Chapter 2. VP In DIVERSIFIED MANUFACTURE. INITIATIVE INNOVATIVE PROJECTS. Directions of is constructive-technological development VP. Multi-purpose VP diversified use. «Project МVP»: Multi-purpose modular VP.
- Sections 3.1-3.2 (word) Chapter 3. APPLICATION VP AT the ENTERPRISES. Some examples of realised industrial use multi-purpose VP Azarov. Examples of possible use specialised VP.
- Section 4.2 (word) Chapter 4. ВТ In the COMBINATION TO "TRADITIONAL" REFRIGERATING TECHNICS. VP in systems of reception of a cold at dynamic evaporation of a liquid (fuel) in an air stream.
- Section 4.5 (word) VP and heat use Absorption-Diffusion a refrigerator.
- Section 5.1(word) Chapter 5. «The COMPRESSOR - VP»: SYSTEM WITH THE MINIMUM QUANTITY OF DETAILS. Tiny membranes compressors for VP.
- Section 6.1(word) Chapter 6. The DEVICES USING NEW OPERATIONAL PROPERTIES VP. Air Heater the big productivity for the test technics: large-scale KW in diameter 130 … 140мм in comparison with compact ВТ, containing 6, 10 and 46 vortical chambers in diameter 55мм, 42мм and 20мм, accordingly.
- Photos: VP At factories (a part 1) and (a part 2);
- From appendices: the Ice antiasteroid 2008;
- The literature
- Table of contents of the directory "Refrigerators".
Azarov A.I.
St.-Petersburg. August 2009г.