What opinions of factories-users about multi-purpose ВТ Azarov - serially made industrial output for the first time placed in operation in 1980 and 1990th years? What responses of the experts for many years using these devices as "dot" sources of a cold air stream?
Some responses are resulted more low:
From the letter гл. Engineer E.N.Turchina № 726 from 17.06. 2003 Energomehanichesky factory, St.-Petersburg (the Beginning industrial «expansion» multi-purpose ВТ »see in Table 3«):
Managing Author's research laboratory of vortical technics of Azarovu A.I.
Vortical coolers of gross national product-20/1 are established on racks CNC of machine tools with ЧПУ, and also on blocks промэлектроники «ФАНУК» (manufacture Japan) and are in constant operation with 1995г. Till now, providing necessary cooling of the mentioned objects. Claims on operation of vortical coolers are not present ».
From the report on business trip in February 1987г. On Morgunova J.P.'s Zavolzhsky motor factory, нач. A technological bureau on machining Zuevsky энергомеханического factory (the Beginning industrial «expansion» multi-purpose ВТ "see in Table 3"):
Coolers vortical ВВ-0,5/1,5-4А (ВТ-20) are used for cooling of cases of management of a line firms "Рено" (France) since May, 1985. In total now 17 pieces During use of coolers of refusals and failures are established are not present. Before installation of coolers equipment downtime made to 20 %, besides because of failures of commands there was a tool breakage, marriage and accidents to servicemen in the course of processing and adjustment of programs. The temperature in cases before installation rose to 50 … 60оС, after installation of coolers has decreased to 25 … 28оС with the disconnected fans. Air temperature on a cooler exit decreases to +5оС. The supply of cooled air is made to cooling fans (or to the heated most up panels). Economic benefit can be considerable, considering the eliminated losses: on equipment downtime, marriage of details, repair cost.
From Krendeleva V. A's letter from 24.07.2008г. ИФВЭ -
Institute of physics high энергий, Протвино (in 1988г. Here two-chamber vortical air coolers of gross national product-10/2 are applied; the Beginning industrial «expansion» multi-purpose ВТ) see in Table 3:
Dear Anatoly Ivanovich! Has with the great pleasure read a material from the book which you have sent me (the Appendix 2). Thanks for that, as have mentioned us. After all in zones where it is impossible to be to the personnel of service of the equipment, very important to have superreliable means of cooling of electronics. Here vortical coolers also concern them, first of all. Therefore we also have put in pawn ВТ as the basic means of cooling of racks of electronics of the grandiose project - Uskoritelno-memory complex ИФВЭ. Not our fault, that УНК is betrayed to the earth. But in September, 2008 it will be started Коллайдер in ЦЕРНе where we will be observers. And after all we were ahead for 10 years.
Our tunnel was ready in 1988г.
Thanks for attention. Yours faithfully Кренделев.
Other responses are presented on this site in section "Book" - in Table 3 «the Beginning industrial to" expansion »multi-purpose ВТ»: responses of the enterprises … -
From introduction: so industrial expansion multi-purpose ВТ Azarov began